Course Description:
Major emphasis is on the concept of functions. Study polynomial, rational,
exponential, logarithmic,
trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions, their properties, graphs, and
related equations and
applications. Additional topics include systems of equations, matrices, conic
sections, sequences and series, and
probability. A graphing calculator is required and used extensively.
Prerequisite: MTH 131
Core Course Objectives:
1. Simplify polynomial, radical, and rational expressions,
and algebraic expressions involving radicals, integer
exponents, rational exponents, trigonometric expressions, factorials, series,
sequences, and matrices using
appropriate algebraic skills, and logarithmic processes. (ADO 3.2)
2. Use appropriate algebraic processes to solve:
• linear, absolute value, quadratic, radical, rational, exponential, and
logarithmic equations.
• linear, absolute value, polynomial, and rational inequalities.
• linear and non-linear systems of equations.
• trigonometric and inverse trigonometric equations (ADO 3.2)
3. Manipulate and identify functions graphically, symbolically, and numerically. (ADO 2)
4. application problems involving many different subject
areas using algebraic processes, counting
technologies, and the binomial theorem. (ADO 4)
5. Apply fundamentals of right triangle trigonometry and solve applications problems. (ADO 3.2)
6. Use appropriate technology (such as the graphing
calculator) to enhance the understanding of the previously
stated objectives. (ADO 7)
7. Have an awareness of the historical background of topics covered in the course. (ADO 15)
Associate Degree Outcomes:
ADO 2. The ability to comprehend and use information including
written and oral forms
ADO 3 Computational skills and understanding appropriate to the
program of study
ADO 4 Critical thinking and problem-solving
ADO 7 Facility in the use of computers and other technologies
appropriate to the program of study
ADO 15 An historical perspective
Instructional Techniques and Procedures
This course usually consists of mostly lecture, group work and classroom
demonstrations using the graphing
calculator (TI83 Plus or TI84 Plus).
Grading Policy:
Tests | 55% |
Final Exam | 20% |
Quizzes & Assignments | 20% |
Projects | 5% |
Grading Scale:
90 - 100 | 4.0 |
85 - 89 | 3.5 |
80 - 84 | 3.0 |
75 - 79 | 2.5 |
65 - 74 | 2.0 |
60 - 64 | 1.5 |
55 - 59 | 1.0 |
50 - 55 | 0.5 |
0 - 49 | 0.0 |
Incompletes will be assigned only if proper
documentation is provided and the course is being passed
after the last day of drops.
Class Exams:
There are five regularly scheduled exams during the semester, covering the
material since the beginning of the
semester. The exams will emphasize the material since the last exam, however due
to the cumulative nature of
the material the exams include all prior topics. Each exam is closed book. One
page of handwritten notes is
allowed. Theses notes can contain any formulas you wish, but you may include no
more than three example
problems. The exams account for 55% of your total grade. If you must miss a test
make sure you contact me
before the test! Missed exams must be made up prior to the next regularly
scheduled class. If you fail to make
up the missed exam, the first missed exam score will be recorded as 75% of your
final exam score. All other
missed exams will be recorded as 0.
Final Exam:
There is a cumulative final exam accounting for 20% of your grade.
Assignments and Quizzes:
There will be regular homework assignments given covering the topics
presented in the course. Quizzes will be
given regularly during the semester and may consist of problems from the
previous class’s assignment. Please
bring your homework with you to each class. Copies of other students’ homework
are not allowed. No make up
quizzes are allowed, however the lowest two grades will be dropped.
Class Structure:
Class will consist of lectures, demonstrations (instructor and student), and
group work. At the start of class you
will have an opportunity to ask questions regarding current assignments,
lectures, or projects.
If you have questions regarding the course, assignments, grades, or otherwise,
contact me by email, call me at home, or
visit my office one hour before or one hour after this class.
Questions regarding course work may also be directed towards myself or Ken Reder
in the math lab, room 245 JM. Look
outside the door for scheduled hours. Also, tutors may be accessed by calling
796-8415 or stopping by the Center for
Student Success, Bert Walker Hall Room 125. The math lab service and other help
or tutoring services are free to all JCC
Academic Honesty: (Excerpt from JCC policy: see instructor for a copy of the
complete policy.) Academic Honesty
is expected of all students. It is the ethical behavior that includes producing
their own work and not representing others'
their own, either by plagiarism, by cheating or by helping others to do so.
Faculty members who suspect a student of
academic dishonesty may penalize the student by assigning a failing grade for
the paper, project, report, exam or the
course itself.
Audits: Must be registered during the first week of class. You will not receive a grade or credit for the course.
Withdraw deadline for this semester is May 1st. If you do
not wish to complete the class and receive a grade,
because you are not happy with your grade or for any other reason, you must
withdraw by this date. The instructor may
withdraw any student who does not complete assignments and/or tests in a timely
manner. However, do not assume that I
will withdraw you.
Incompletes will be given only in accordance with JCC
policy. (Excerpt from JCC policy; see instructor for a copy
of the complete policy.) A student may request an incomplete from the
instructor. The incomplete will be granted only if
the student can provide documentation that his or her work up to that point is
sufficient in quality, but lacking in quantity,
due to circumstances beyond the student's control. Furthermore, a written plan
for making up the missing work within one
semester must be completed by the student. Final determination of whether an
incomplete will be given is the instructor's
Success is achieved by regular practice of problems from
the text and by seeing me as soon as you feel
uncomfortable with the material.