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Topics & Sections of Text Details
Fraction and signed number

Main idea: Accurately and
efficiently compute with
fractions and signed numbers
mentally or by hand.

Relevant sections of text:
(1.3, 1.5 – 1.7)

Outcomes Assessed:
o Students will perform
arithmetic of rational
numbers (both with and
without a calculator).
The student should be able to:
• Explain what an individual fraction or integer means and provide
an example of where they’d encounter it.

• Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions with unlike
denominators, then simplify results.
o Advanced ability: do the same with mixed numbers

• Add, subtract, multiply, and divide one- and two-digit integers.
o Advanced ability: do the same with rational numbers, and
decimals to the tenths



Interpreting and creating

Main idea: Accurately and
efficiently interpret and create
graphs of data.

Relevant sections of text:

(3.1, 3.2, 3.3)

Outcomes Assessed:
o Developing Information
and Visual Literacy: The
ability to … comprehend,
translate between, and
reason fluently with
multiple representations of
the information.
o Communicate effectively.





The student should be able to:
• Interpret information given in a variety of forms: graphs, tables,
symbols, and words.

• Represent results in, and translate results between different forms.

• Evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of a representation.

• Use pie, bar, or line graphs of real data to answer questions about
o Values for particular categories/x-coordinates [Equation
o Differences between values
o Trends
* Answers should include correct units
o Advanced ability: Answer questions about the categories or
x-coordinates at or above (below) a given y-value [Inequality

• Create accurate graphs of sets of paired data that effectively
support a claim.

• Graph a linear equation of the form y = mx + b by plotting points
when m and b are integers or simple decimals.
o Advanced ability:
Graph ax + by = c .
Describe what it means to be a solution of an equation
in two variables.
Using and manipulating

Main idea: Accurately and
efficiently evaluate formulas
using substitution and a

Relevant sections of text:
(1.4, 1.8, 2.1, 2.6)

Outcomes Assessed:
o Students will be able to use
order of operations
correctly to simplify
algebraic expressions.



The student should be able to:
• Evaluate basic science, business, and math formulas involving
o at most three variables,
o at most three of +, –, ×, ÷, ^, and ( ), and
o integer or single-digit decimals.

o Advanced ability: do the same with more complex formulas
exact answers,
absolute values, and
rational numbers.

• Simplify basic abstract expressions like
o ax + b + cx + d (x)
o a (b + cy)+ d
with simple decimal or integer coefficients (at most two are

o Advanced ability: simplify more complex expressions like
−(ax + b)+ c (d + ex)
as well as the previous forms with rational coefficients.
Solving linear equations in
one variable

Main idea: Accurately and
efficiently solve versions of
ax + b = c that include only
one of the following variants:
fractional coefficients, integer
coefficients, decimal
coefficients, parentheses,
variable on both sides.

Relevant sections of text:
(2.1 – 2.4)

Outcomes Assessed:
o Students will be able to
solve linear equations.





The student should be able to:
• Understand the different goals for simplifying and solving, and
recognize which is possible in a given situation.

• Simplify basic equations like
o am + b = c
o a t + b = c + d t
o a = b(c + dw)
o P = 2L + 2W , d = rt
where coefficients and solutions are integers or simple decimals (at
most two are negative).

o Advanced ability: Solve equations like

as well as the previous forms with rational coefficients and

• Verify that the obtained values are truly solutions.
o Advanced ability: Recognize identities and contradictions.